Connected FM: A Blog by IFMA

Navigating Global Norms for Diverse Work Environments

Written by Fabian Sandoval | Oct 12, 2023 5:01:00 PM

As organizations expand their reach across continents, the challenge of navigating diverse work environments with sensitivity, efficiency, and effectiveness has become crucial.  

Cross-cultural facility management is no longer a mere consideration — it is imperative. Today, workplaces are made up of lots of different cultures.  

Therefore, facility managers have to be really good at making sure everyone's needs and wants work together. It's not just about practical fixes; it's about really understanding how different cultures affect how people talk, how they like things set up, and how spaces should look and feel. 

This article gives tips for facility managers to handle global norms, cultural differences, and rules to make well-rounded workspaces. 

The Essence of Cross-Cultural Facility Management 

Cross-cultural facility management is all about understanding and adapting to the diverse needs of workplaces around the world. 

Imagine a company with offices in Tokyo, New York, and Nairobi. Each location will have its own way of doing things, influenced by local customs, traditions, and regulations. 

The essence of cross-cultural facility management is recognizing these differences and ensuring that each office is designed and managed in a way that feels right for its local employees, while still aligning with the company's global standards. This might mean different things for employees and contractors, as contractors don’t generally receive similar benefits as permanent employees.   

It's a balance between global consistency and local sensitivity. In simpler terms, it's like making sure every branch of a global tree grows healthily in its unique soil. 

Best Practices for Diverse Work Environments 

Diverse and inclusive work environments not only make your work easier, but also encourage innovation and general team success. Here are some best practices for managing diverse work environments.

  1. Accommodate Different Cultural Nuances

Think of cultural nuances as the little things that make each culture unique. It's like how families have their own inside jokes or traditions. In the world of workplaces, these nuances can be how people prefer their desks, the way they greet each other, or even how they take breaks.  

Navigating these nuances means understanding and respecting these unique cultural habits and preferences. For a facility manager, it's about making sure the office feels comfortable and familiar for everyone, no matter where it's located. It's like hosting guests from different countries and making sure each one feels at home. 

  1. Pay Attention to Communication Styles Across Cultures

Different cultures have their own ways of talking and listening. For instance, some cultures might be very direct, saying exactly what they mean.  

Others might speak more indirectly, using hints or suggestions. It's like the difference between someone saying, "Close the window," versus, "Isn't it a bit chilly in here?" For people working in global offices, understanding these communication styles is crucial. It ensures that everyone is on the same page and avoids misunderstandings.  

So, it's all about learning how people from different places express themselves and making sure everyone feels heard and understood. 

  1. Understand Different Regulatory and Compliance Needs

Every country has its own set of rules and regulations for how buildings and workplaces should be set up and managed. Think of it like the different rules in various sports. Just as you wouldn't play basketball with soccer rules, you wouldn't manage a facility in France the same way you would in China.  

These rules can cover everything from safety measures to how much natural light is needed in a room. For businesses with offices in different countries, it's essential to know and follow these local rules. It's not just about staying out of trouble; it's about ensuring that every workplace is safe and suitable for its employees. 

  1. Pay Attention to Different Ergonomic Preferences

Ergonomics is all about making sure the workplace fits the worker, like ensuring a chair is comfortable, or a computer screen is at the right height. Different cultures might have varied preferences when it comes to comfort and work setups.  

For example, the ideal desk height in one country might be different from another. Addressing ergonomic preferences means understanding what's comfortable and efficient for workers in each location and setting up the workplace accordingly.  

It's like adjusting a bike seat so the rider doesn't get sore – it's all about making sure everyone can work comfortably and effectively. 

  1. Practice Inclusivity in Design

Inclusivity in design means making sure a workplace is welcoming and usable for everyone, regardless of their background, abilities, or needs. It's like planning a party and ensuring all guests, whether they're tall, short, young, old, or have specific dietary needs, have a good time.  

In a workplace, this could mean having ramps for those in wheelchairs, quiet spaces for those who need them, or even prayer rooms for those who observe religious practices.  

It's all about recognizing the diverse needs of all employees and designing a space where everyone feels they belong and can thrive. 

Tips for Successfully Mastering Cross-Cultural Facility Management 

Managing facilities across different cultures is like juggling balls of different sizes and weights. Here are a few tips to help you do it right: 

  • Local Expertise. Collaborate with local experts who understand the culture and its nuances. It's like having a local guide when you're traveling. 
  • Feedback Loops. Regularly ask employees for feedback. It's a way to ensure that the workplace meets their needs and preferences. 
  • Cultural Training. Invest in training for your team to understand different cultures. It's like reading a guidebook before visiting a new country. 
  • Use Technology. Embrace tools and software that can help bridge cultural gaps, like translation apps or virtual collaboration platforms. 
  • Adaptability. Be ready to adjust and make changes based on what you learn. It's about being flexible like a tree bending with the wind but not breaking. 
  • Consistent Core Values. While adapting to local norms, maintain the company's core values and standards. It's the anchor that keeps everything steady. 
  • Open Communication. Encourage open dialogue between teams from different regions. It's the bridge that connects different islands of culture. 


In today's world, our workplaces are like big gatherings where people from all over come together. Just like in a community potluck where everyone brings their unique dish, each person in a workplace brings their own background, culture, and experiences. 

This mix can be a strength, but only if facility managers take the time to understand and appreciate these differences. It's not just about chairs and desks; it's about making sure everyone feels heard, valued, and comfortable. 

The tips discussed above will come in handy when navigating a new work environment. The goal is to create spaces that truly feel like home for everyone. After all, when people feel at ease, they can collaborate better, share more ideas, and help the company thrive.