Connected FM: A Blog by IFMA

Integrating Circular Economy in Facility Management for Sustainability

Written by Fabian Sandoval | Jun 3, 2024 3:48:37 PM

Facility management has long been focused on ensuring the efficient operation and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure.  

However, as environmental sustainability becomes an increasingly pressing concern, facility managers are now tasked with exploring innovative approaches that go beyond traditional practices. One such transformative shift is the integration of circular economy principles into facility management. 

This article discusses some practical strategies and insights to help managers transition their operations from a linear to a circular model.  

What is a Circular Economy 

The circular economy is a model of production and consumption that encourages the reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling of products and materials.  

In a linear economy, resources are extracted, used, and then discarded as waste. On the other hand, the underlying idea of circular economy is to move away from the "take-make-waste" linear model and towards a more sustainable, closed-loop system

The key principles of the circular economy are: 

Eliminate waste and pollution. The circular economy aims to design out waste and pollutants from the beginning rather than dealing with them as an afterthought. 

Circulate products and materials. Instead of discarding products after use, the circular economy focuses on reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling them to keep materials in circulation. 

Regenerate natural systems. The circular economy seeks to replenish and restore natural systems rather than depleting them. This includes using renewable and biodegradable materials. 

Strategies for Implementing Circular Economy in Facility Management 

Several strategic approaches can be employed to effectively integrate circular economy principles into facility management to maximize resource efficiency and minimize waste. Here are some key strategies: 

Resource Optimization

One key strategy is improving the efficiency of material and energy usage. This can be achieved through the deployment of advanced building management systems (BMS) that provide real-time monitoring and granular control over resource consumption. For instance, managers can leverage IoT sensors and data analytics to identify opportunities to reduce waste, optimize HVAC systems, and enhance the overall energy efficiency of their buildings. 

Beyond just monitoring, facility managers must also focus on maximizing the lifespan of their assets and equipment. Implementing robust preventive and predictive maintenance programs can extend the usable life of critical infrastructure, reducing the need for premature replacement. This not only conserves resources but also generates cost savings by deferring capital expenditures. 

Closing the loop on resource recovery is another essential element of circular economy implementation. Facility managers can establish closed-loop systems that enable the reuse, recycling, or repurposing of materials within their operations. This could involve, for example, the reclamation of water for irrigation or the reintroduction of construction and demolition waste back into the supply chain as secondary raw materials. 

Investing in energy-efficient products and services is also crucial for maintaining a robust circular economy. Think beyond the obvious and physical. For example, data has become a massive energy hog—in fact, data centers are responsible for 2.5% of all human-generated CO2, more than the entire aviation industry. And it’s not like we can reduce the amount of data we use or generate—so opting for greener hosting solutions is an integral piece of the sustainability puzzle. 

Waste Reduction 

The first step is to conduct comprehensive waste audits to identify the types and quantities of waste being generated across the facility. This deep-dive analysis provides the necessary insights to develop targeted strategies for waste reduction. 

Establishing effective waste segregation and sorting processes is crucial for facilitating recycling and repurposing efforts. Focus on separating different waste streams to ensure that materials are directed to the appropriate recycling or disposal channels rather than ending up in landfills. 

Additionally, explore alternative disposal methods beyond traditional waste management. This includes implementing on-site recycling programs for commonly generated waste streams, such as paper, plastics, and metals.  

Facility managers can also partner with specialized waste management providers to ensure that a larger portion of the waste is diverted from landfills and either recycled or repurposed. 

Recycling Initiatives

This begins with setting up dedicated collection points and infrastructure for various waste streams within the facility. Engaging and educating employees is a critical success factor for recycling programs. Ensure to make recycling is convenient and accessible for employees to encourage higher participation rates and maximize the recovery of recyclable materials. 

Collaborating with reputable waste management service providers is crucial for the success of recycling initiatives. These partners can offer innovative recycling solutions, provide valuable insights on emerging best practices, and ensure that the collected materials are properly processed and reintroduced into the supply chain. 

Innovative Technologies for Circular Economy Implementation 

Incorporating innovative technologies into the implementation of a circular economy can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of sustainability initiatives in various industries.  

These technologies not only help in reducing waste and maximizing resource use but also play a crucial role in transforming traditional linear economic models into sustainable, circular systems. 

Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Sensors

IoT and smart sensors are pivotal in monitoring and managing resource use efficiently. They can track energy consumption, waste generation, and resource flow within facilities in real-time.  

This data allows facility managers to identify inefficiencies and optimize processes. For example, IoT-enabled devices can adjust heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems automatically based on real-time occupancy data, significantly reducing energy waste. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) 

AI models and ML algorithms are increasingly being used to improve waste sorting and recycling processes. Advanced AI systems can identify and classify different types of waste materials on a conveyor belt in recycling facilities, improving the purity and recovery rate of recycled materials.  

This technology ensures that materials are recycled at their highest quality, reducing the need for virgin materials. 

However, facility managers should also consider the extent to which they intend to use AI for augmented analytics, and how much of their resources are they willing to commit. While the benefits are certainly enticing, the drawbacks and risks, especially pertaining to data security, are still immense. 

Blockchain Technology 

Blockchain can enhance transparency and traceability in supply chains, ensuring that the materials used are sourced sustainably and ethically.  

By providing a secure and immutable record of transactions, blockchain technology can help verify the recycled content of products and ensure compliance with environmental standards.  

This visibility is crucial for companies committed to circular economy principles, allowing them to build trust with consumers and regulators. 

Benefits of Transitioning to a Circular Economy Model 

The circular economy aims to minimize waste and optimize resource use, significantly reducing environmental impact. This model achieves sustainability by ensuring products and materials are used as long as possible and by promoting the restoration of natural ecosystems.  

For instance, by recycling and reusing materials, less waste ends up in landfills, and fewer natural resources are extracted from the environment. 

Economic Advantages

Adopting a circular economy can lead to significant cost savings for businesses and economies, with EU countries leading the charge, at a circularity rate of 11.5 percent. Optimizing resource use and turning waste into a resource can help companies to reduce expenses related to raw materials and waste management.  

Moreover, the circular economy fosters innovation and can create new business opportunities and markets, such as those for recycled materials and products designed for longevity.  

Energy Efficiency 

Circularity often leads to more energy-efficient practices because it emphasizes the reuse and refurbishment of products rather than the production of new ones, which typically consumes more energy.  

This can significantly lower the carbon footprint of industrial facilities and contribute to broader efforts to combat climate change. 


The transition towards a circular economy model in facility management represents a significant stride in the pursuit of sustainability. This transformative approach not only minimizes waste but also optimizes resource utilization, delivering tangible environmental and economic benefits. 

The time is ripe for facility managers to take the lead and champion the circular economy paradigm. By doing so, they can contribute to a healthier planet and position their organizations for long-term success and competitive advantage. The road ahead may not be without its obstacles, but the rewards of embracing the circular economy are well worth the journey.