Connected FM: A Blog by IFMA

8 Tips to Ensure Your Team Thrives in Facility Management Group Training

Written by Katherine Sproles | Apr 25, 2024 9:59:07 PM

Group training is an awesome investment in not only your organization but your team’s professional development. When making any investment, it’s important to understand what you can do to ensure success. We’ve gathered tips from successful FM organizations across the globe on how they helped their facility teams get the most out of training.  

1. Establish baseline KPIs to track your team’s progress 

Before you start team training, it’s important to set realistic KPIs that you and your team can track. Include your team in this process so they have clear expectations and feel confident meeting their targets. To avoid overwhelming your team, think about breaking your training goals into smaller steps or multiple phases with specific KPIs for each step. When each individual feels like they are working with their team toward a common goal, training together can become a bonding experience that boosts morale and improves communication.  

Here are some questions to ask when setting group training goals: 

  • What do you want your team to get out of this training? 
  • How would you like to see your team grow? 
  • What does success look like to you after your team completes the training?

2. Match each trainee with a coach or mentor  

A 2019 CNBC survey found 90% of employees with a mentor say they are satisfied with their jobs. Pairing a trainee with a more senior facility manager not only leads to a happier employee but also ensures that the trainee doesn’t get discouraged throughout the training process. There might be modules where your team struggles or needs to talk through certain lessons. Having a mentor or coach to go to when they are struggling helps eliminate frustration and improves their motivation to finish.  

3. Setup a training schedule 

One of the most impactful ways you can set your team up for success is to make sure there is dedicated time each week to complete training modules. Some successful organizations allotted a specific time or day each week for their team to train uninterrupted. We recommend setting aside a few hours each week for your team to establish a routine. Not only does this alleviate the stress of juggling everyday responsibilities with their new training goals, but it shows your team that you value their professional development. 

4. Provide incentives 

When we spoke with organizations that successfully completed group training, each implemented incentives to keep their team motivated and show appreciation for their team’s efforts. If you want to motivate your team even further, offer a prize when they meet each KPI or complete a phase of training to build their momentum.  

Here are some incentives we’ve seen motivate facility teams: 

  • Tie completion of training to their job performance at the end-of-year review
  • Compensation in the form of money (bonus or salary increase) or gift cards
  • Take your team out to a fancy dinner or other exciting experience
  • Reward them with extra vacation days

5. Recognize success 

Another easy way to motivate your team and boost morale is by recognizing their progress across the team, the company and even with your company stakeholders, audience and partners. Whether you shout out their achievements at an internal company meeting or post their certification on the company’s social media page, congratulating your team on finishing their training goes a long way to making employees feel valued. 

Some organizations celebrate their team by gifting an internal badge for recognition.  

6. Plan for more time than you think 

Whether it’s a last-minute facility emergency, critical project delay or life emergency, timelines often get delayed. Be proactive and plan for your team to need more time than you originally allotted to complete training. This cushion mediates stress and shows your employees that you value their time and work-life balance.  

7. Regularly check in with your team 

Don’t forget to make regular check-ins a part of your training timeline. Ask your team what they are struggling with and celebrate what they are doing well on. 

Maybe you need to adjust the amount of time your team needs on a particular module, or maybe you need to reach out to your training specialist to get clarification on your team’s questions. Scheduling regular check-ins helps keep your team on track and shows your support for their learning development.   

8. Utilize your training specialist 

IFMA training specialists are dedicated to helping your team successfully finish their training. Whether you have a specific question or just want to learn from other organizations that had success with group training, we are here to be your resource.  


Want to learn more about how IFMA’s group training can empower your team?